
A provincial capital of Northern Italy

Verona is the city of the most famous lovers in history: Romeo and Juliet. But Verona has much more to offer.

verona, Italy

As one of the seven provincial capitals in Veneto, Northern Italy, Verona has the second largest population in Triveneto (an area formed by the three regions of Veneto, Trentino - Alto Adige and Friuli - Venezia Giulia).

It is one of the cities that have better preserved its artistic heritage in Italy. Visited every year by hundreds of thousands of tourists, Verona is famous for its artistic beauties, operas, several annual fairs and shows such as the lyrical season in the Arena, the ancient amphitheatre built by the Romans.

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Points Of Interests
  • Amphitheater (Arena di Verona): The Roman Amphitheater (Arena) in Verona, one of the largest of its kind.
  • Loggia del Consiglio: On the north side of the Piazza dei Signori it is one of the finest Early Renaissance buildings in Italy, crowned by statues of famous citizens of Verona in antiquity.
  • Piazza dei Signori: In the center is a monument to Dante. Recent excavations have uncovered Roman mosaics and other remains.
  • San Fermo Maggiore: With a Romanesque lower church and a Gothic upper church, its facade beautifully decorated with marble. It contains a number of notable monuments and pictures by Pisanello and others. Immediately beyond the church is the Ponte delle Navi.
  • San Giorgio in Braida: West of Santo Stefano is the 16th century church of San Giorgio in Braida which has a beautiful dome by Sammichele.
  • San Zeno Maggiore: To the north of San Bernardino is the large Basilica of San Zeno Maggiore, perhaps the finest Romanesque building in northern Italy.