Italian Weather

What kind of weather may I expect in Italy?

The weather in Italy is considerably milder, in the winter at least, than in the northern U.S. and just about the same as you may expect in the southern U.S on average. Winter average temperatures generally range from the mid 40's in the northern part of Italy, to the mid-60's in the southern parts and Sicily during daytime hours. Rainy, (Snow in the extreme north of the country) damp and foggy periods are more common in the north during this time while it will be brighter and sunnier in the south.

During summer months, parts of Italy can get very hot, especially during July and August where average temperatures in the southern parts of the peninsula and in Sicily can reach from the low to mid 80's and, at times, well into the 90's during the daytime hours. Temperatures are more moderate (low 70's-low 80's) in the northern parts of the peninsula. Afternoon thunderstorms can be common throughout the country, especially in inland locations.

Spring and fall are ideal times to visit Italy if weather conditions are a factor in your decision making.